Protocolo l2tp rfc

BCP: 68. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Overview. L2TP is defined in RFC 2661, Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) . L2TP facilitates the tunneling of PPP packets across an intervening network in a way that is as transparent as possible to both end users and L2TP (RFC 2661, RFC 2888) unites the best features and approaches of L2F and PPTP. This reflects the name, too. L2TP is the preferred choice to realize state-of-the-art protocol-independent VPDNs and is a replacement for PPTP and L2F. • RFC 2661, Layer Two Transport Protocol (L2TP).

Sistemas Seguros de Acceso y Trans. de Datos MF0489_3

But L2TPv3 is branded as the latest version of under discussion protocol, which was introduced in RFC 3931(2005). In computer networking, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol used to support virtual private networks (VPNs) or as  A new version of this protocol, L2TPv3, appeared as proposed standard RFC 3931 [36] in 2005. L2TPv3 provides additional In computer networking, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol used to support virtual private networks (VPNs) or as part of the delivery of services by ISPs. It does not provide any encryption or confidentiality by itself.

Enciclopedia de la Seguridad Informática. 2ª edición

Suele ser el preferido por ISPs y usuarios de empresas. File formats: Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE Author: W. Townsley Stream: IETF Source: l2tpext ().

¿Qué Es IPSec y Cómo Funciona? CactusVPN

El protocolo L2TP (protocolo de túnel de capa 2) es algo similar al PPTP. Estos dos estándares fueron desarrollados y certificados prácticamente al mismo tiempo, aunque el L2TP es considerado más eficiente para redes virtuales, al mismo tiempo demanda una mayor potencia de la computadora. Suele ser el preferido por ISPs y usuarios de empresas. File formats: Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE Author: W. Townsley Stream: IETF Source: l2tpext (). Cite this BCP: TXT. Discuss this RFC: Send questions or comments to


Facebook, Twitter and Gmail uses HTTPS (SSL) encrypted communication protocols. Regardless of VPN or non-VPN, no one can tap these The L2TP control protocol allows dynamic L2TP tunnels and sessions to be established and provides for detecting and acting upon network  Linux defaults to use the Default Layer2SpecificHeader type as defined in the L2TPv3 protocol specification, RFC3931.


ISP Internet Service Provider. PPP Point to Point Protocol. VPN - Virtual Private Networks. 7. L2TP Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol RFC2661 (1/3).

L2TP / definición de L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol .

L2TP/IPSec is standardized in RFC 3193 and provides confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. Setup: Setting up L2TP/IPSec is generally fast and easy L2TP define su propio protocolo de establecimiento de túneles, basado en L2F. El transporte de L2TP está definido para una gran variedad de tipos de paquete, incluyendo X.25, Frame Relay y ATM. Al utilizar PPP para el establecimiento telefónico de enlaces, L2TP incluye los mecanismos de autenticación de PPP, PAP y CHAP. L2TP is a tunneling protocol derived from PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) created by Microsoft and L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding) protocols created by Cisco.The IETF working group documented this protocol with RFC 2661. El protocolo L2TP (protocolo de túnel de capa 2) es algo similar al PPTP. Estos dos estándares fueron desarrollados y certificados prácticamente al mismo tiempo, aunque el L2TP es considerado más eficiente para redes virtuales, al mismo tiempo demanda una mayor potencia de la computadora.